It is with great sadness that the Motorcycle Riders Foundation reports the passing of Michael “Balls” Farabaugh.


In a newsletter Kirk “Hardtail” Willard, President and Chairman of Motorcycle Riders Foundational wrote:

“Balls” was arguably the driving force behind much of the success the motorcyclists rights movement has enjoyed. Balls was one of the pioneers of rider education in Indiana and his influence carried into many states and has certainly resulted in saving thousands of lives. “Balls” had an impact on motorcycling nationally and internationally. “Balls” actually founded the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF). His ideas and inspirational character motivated many of the leaders in the motorcycling community, and that continues as a lasting legacy. Indeed, riders around the world owe a debt to Michael “Balls” Farabaugh.

Ride in Peace, Balls.

Kirk “Hardtail” Willard
President/Chairman of the Board
Motorcycle Riders Foundation, Inc.
Washington D.C.


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