May was a busy month for me. I got my annual mini-spring vacation to Cambria cleared out of my head and hosted the first leg of the CREW’s Progressive Run at my house with the help of Christine Vanyo and Georjia Cockrell—thanks for your help, girlfriends! We fed a bunch of hungry bikers and my neighbors were entertained by over 30 bikes invading our neighborhood (yep, I warned ’em ahead of time!). I couldn’t attend the second leg of the ride because I was attending a great wedding down in Fallbrook, but everyone told me how much fun I missed—wah! Now it’s time to get to work on the June happenings!… Congrats to Halle and George Fetty who got a take a much-needed vacation last month. Brian and Roberto got a huge thanks for holding down Valley V-Twin while Halle and George cruised the California and Baja coasts. Sounded like a great cruise—one of these days… Cindy Gano sent me an update on this year’s Highway Workers Memorial Run. She tells me they had a great group this year (as always) with 80 bikes showing up for the statewide event. Sadly, Thursday morning a car turned into the middle of 12 bikes, killing one of the riders on his way to the event. Condolences to the family of Dean Patton from Grass Valley. Dean’s loss will be mourned by his wife Trisha Flud, mother Joann Baldasarra, son Seth Sherman, daughters Jessica Zeno and Felisha Dow, and three granddaughters, Brianna, Alyssa and Savahna… On the subject of bike accidents, this run is the result of another. My next-door neighbor at work is Jeff Givens at Qwik Parts. Jeff, along with a legion of others, is putting on the Courtney’s Ride on July 27. Jeff is currently looking for body shops, paint shops, bike builders—anyone who would be willing to donate services or parts to help complete donated bike and car projects that will be auctioned off to help raise money for the enormous medical bills accruing for Courtney Jones of AIP Racing. Courtney was involved in a bike accident back in February and was forced to lose both of her legs in order to save her life. I’ll give you more details for July, but for now, if you can help in any way give Jeff a call at 909.208.0706, or shoot him an e-mail at… Also on the slate for cool rides in June is the Sheriff’s Ride on June 8. The ride starts out at the Sheriff’s Headquarters at 655 Third Street in San Bernardino with check-in at 7:00–8:30 a.m. and KSU at 9:00 sharp. My friend Larry Jarvis finagles the CREW into attending en masse and I planned to join them this time, but I’m on the schedule to work!… Thanks to Steve Broughton for calling me not once, but twice to let me know ABATE 1’s own Sporty was involved in a car-versus-motorcycle accident in April. I appreciate both calls, Steve—just that you got ahold of me long after my column deadline last month, so it had to wait until June. Sporty’s now sporting two pins to repair a broken leg. Hope you’re on your way to improving, Sporty! Didn’t hear how your bike fared; hopefully it’s improving, too… I met my sis Allisand’s new honey, Steve, and we took a ride up to Mt. Baldy last month. I also took my niece Madison on her maiden motorcycle voyage. It was almost a miss because I couldn’t find the rear seat bracket, but I cobbled it together and off we went. And while we were up at the always-biker-friendly Mt. Baldy Lodge, I met up with several members of the Article 69 Riders, so howdy again to Shooter, Moonshine, Dozer, Polly, Gadget, Mama Bear and Grumpy Bear; hope your ride down the hill was as nice as mine!… It was great hearing from our own Wendell Perry and Bart last week. Bart and Wendell have a very good friend who has been restoring a 1945 Harley WLA. Cave Dave Bieber has realized his dream of a ground-up restoration and has gone on to win the Best of Show for bikes at the La Jolla Concours d’Elegance in April. Dave has been putting together an itinerary for a cross-country trip with the bike in order to raise funds for the Wounded Warrior Project, and will be leaving San Diego on Saturday, June 1, from the Veterans Administration Hospital in La Jolla. He plans to visit VA Hospitals and VFW facilities, Harley dealerships and the H-D Museum in Milwaukee, ending up in Washington, D.C. You can see more about his project and fundraising goals at And Wendell, thanks for the invite to the Run For The Wall 25th Anniversary get-together up in Rancho Cucamonga. I’m gonna do my best to make it. If I don’t, I’m there in spirit. Wendell and Bart plan to be there to support their good friend James Gregory and see him off on the trip. James Gregory started Run For The Wall 25 years ago. Dave will also be there with his bike… Got a raft of birthdays this month, so let’s get started! Happy Birthdays to Richard Yount, George Ortiz, Lamar Elliott and Lena Eylicio—hope your days are loads of fun. Yvonne Rodriguez, Rabbi Jet Bland, Rich Frazer and Frank Gillette—you guys all have fun and have a special day! Brian at Valley V-Twin’s fiancée, Nicole Abruscato, is having a birthday and we know Brian will make it special! Tuck Broich, hope your day is great! Becky Stephens and Celina Humphrey, have a special birthday! Brea Cox and Sean Lynch, same goes to you on your June birthdays. Valley V-Twin’s shop dog Kalele turns 7. Happy Birthday to ABATE 19’s Pete Negrete. And a very special happy birthday to one of my very first Harley friends and mentors, Mike Gott! Miss you and Janie; maybe we could make a date—I’ll even go to the Elks Lodge, Mike!… Happy 18th anniversary to George and Halle Fetty on June 25! Happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there! That’s all I have for you this month. Hope I haven’t forgotten anyone. See you all next month and… you know the routine, send me your stuff! You know what I want, so get it to me. June 17 is Ride to Work Day—enjoy it—at least as much as you can, since your end of ride will still be work!