December 12, 1955–February 13, 2018

Most of the V-twin-riding girls today will tell you they more than likely caught the Discovery Channel show Motorcycle Women and were inspired to straddle a motorcycle and take charge of their lives. One of my best friends was on that show and I got to stand by and watch her shine and graciously talk to everyone that approached her asking for an autograph or a photo, and she treated them all the same—nothing but respect. Her name is Jessica Evans, but you most likely know her as “Goth Girl.”

Most of our good times revolved around Morgan “Samantha” Storm and the American Motor Drome Wall of Death. Samantha was the best female wall trick rider, and if you were lucky enough to ever catch her ride the wall, you would have seen just how special she was, and always will be. Samantha passed away in 2008 and left a major hole in our hearts. At Sam’s memorial service I had the song “Somewhere over the Rainbow” stuck in my head. I confided in Goth about it; I actually thought I might be going crazy, but she assured me it was normal, just a coping mechanism. I accepted that, because I trusted her and respected her.

Jessica Evans a.k.a. Goth Girl

For those of you that didn’t know Goth Girl, she was a legend through and through. She lived life on her terms; she played hard, learned lessons and applied those lessons in her everyday life. I have yet, to this day, to find another human as loyal and solid as this woman. Her word was gold, and a handshake was all you needed to know just how trustworthy she was.

My friend wasn’t like anyone else… period. She was a graduate of Berklee College of Music, she rode a motorcycle, she stood up for the weak, she fought for what was right, and she did this all with the goal of making someone smile or laugh.

Goth was a warrior in so many ways. She let her heart lead her in everything she did. This was a woman that would never sell out; it had to be a legit operation, with a goal she was passionate about, or she just wasn’t on board. She was an esteemed piano player and was the house pianist for many years at One Market Plaza in San Francisco where she ran her business “Shine ’Em Up.” She loved to shine leather and no one could shine a pair of boots like these girls could.

Goth was also the co-founder of the infamous Devil Dolls MC. She developed “Goth Block,” a sunscreen with “SPF 666.” I could never go anywhere without my Goth Block. Jessica was hip to the damage the sun can do to your skin, and her porcelain white skin was flawless, her beauty was ageless, her style was classic and glamorous and her heart was genuine.

She loved animals and along with Samantha and me, we were determined to help animals however we could. We used to tell each other stories of how if we were superheroes we would swoop in and help the innocent, the children, the animals, we would fight to right a wrong; we would make a difference in someone’s life, human or animal.

When I learned of Goth’s passing, that song “Somewhere over the Rainbow” popped into my head again. They say when an animal passes away they go to the Rainbow Bridge. It makes perfect sense now why that song is in my head. Goth and Sammy are taking watch at the Rainbow Bridge to look after all the animals.

Ride in peace, my dear friend; thank you for sharing your beauty with us all. I’ll see you and Samantha soon, but not too soon. I still have our work here on earth to tend to. You guys got the bigger shift upstairs.


  1. I’ve been away from S.F. for 12-13 yrs, I used go to One Market just to hear Goth play, she was amazing. In all the runs i attended, she could never get lost in the crowd, she was so bright, you would have to shield your eyes, or put on the shades. And when she smiled the world became a better place. If there’s a heaven they’d better let her in, she may have looked scary to most people, but , those that were graced by presence know better, peace be with her, sunrises, endless vistas, perfect roads, all the sunsets.

  2. As a contributor to Thunderpress I followed Gothgirl, and all the Devil Dolls, for many years. Goth stood out in a crowd because there was, literally, no one like her, no one as unique and true to her beliefs, and few as accomplished. She loved her music, her motorcycles and her mischievousness, but her love of animals is her true legacy. She mirrored their behavior by sharing her unconditional love and support with all those around her. She was truly a “Shining Star.” Respects dear lady, and thanks for the ride on the wild side. You won’t be forgotten.

  3. We met at an event in Cherokee NC years ago, then again at a Cyclesource Magazine chopper show in Pittsburgh. We always stayed in touch, Goth would call me on my birthday every year and play a new rendition of happy birthday on her piano for me. She was such an extraordinary person, on Feb 10th this year I didn’t get a birthday call.
    I’m sure you are teaching the Angels how to ride hard make a piano submit, If there is a heaven it was made for you darlin….

  4. The piano, shoe shine. And devil dolls….that was Jess, aka. Goth.

    Sorry to hear your gone. You were fun.

    Truly an awesome lady.


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