And then they said... Letters to the Editor

Got something on your mind? Write us! Letter may be edited to fit; that’s EDITED, not censored. Submit them here or mail them to
American Rider
10405 6th Avenue North, Suite 210
Minneapolis, MN 55441

Letters to the Editors: January 2018

Ernie Copper: What a disappointment reading you had a repair done at a stealership. Steve Simmons Hey, Steve, Since you've taken the time to write and...

Letters to the Editors: February 2018

Sam Jones, Thanks so much for the recap of Lieutenant “Roscoe”! I know a few Vietnam vets and I am a firm patriot too. Those...

Letters to the Editor: March 2018

Hi Sam, I love your stories in THUNDER PRESS! Your recent "Boarding House" story seemed to end abrubtly on page 18. There was no end...

You're never lost on a motorcycle

Shadow, I was just reading in Thunder Press about your GPS problems. Have you got the answer you need yet? I have been using...

Rockin' Redwood

Hi Felicia, I just stumbled on the Redwood Run 2016 article in Thunder Press, thank you so much for the kind words and making...

Travelin' Woman

Hi Felicia. Thanks for the stories and the great photos. If I read right. It sounded like you are going to Mama Tried in...

Doctor's orders

Just read the Tuff Luv piece. Having had a heart attack I can relate. The guy sounds like a co-worker I had some years...

A gentleman's response

Kip, Thank you very much for the article on FXRs. It was very informative. I am the proud second owner of a 1985 FXRC, #845...