1912 Henderson
Hailing from Syracuse, New York, Frank Westfall is well versed in competition rides. Having competed in the famous Great Race long before the Motorcycle Cannonball was launched, Frank shares tales of rebuilding his motorcycle in a hotel bathtub while entered in the cross-country races that included cars as well as motorcycles so it was evident that he was fully aware of what he was in for when he signed up for the very first Cannonball. Little did he know, however, that he’d be forever bitten by the Cannonball bug. Westfall is one of only three riders who have been on the roster for each of the subsequent MC runs since 2010 and will be again in 2018.
The rough-around-the-edges but heart-of-gold New Yorker is known to pepper his conversations with cuss words and spew F-bombs, especially when he ends up in a ditch or he and his bike happen to come in contact with a truck, like he did during the 2016 endurance race. But the inwardly sensitive guy is also known to take shut-in seniors out for adventures and to treat America’s veterans to special outings. He’s a craftsman by trade, making beautiful handmade leather goods like the riding boots he wears during the run as well as the custom saddlebags that grace his tried-and-true Hendersons. Known to other Cannonballers as part of the “Wolfpack” riders who are faithful to the Henderson marque, he’s been known to morph into a sort of busker and sell T-shirts off the back of his motorcycle to fund his trip across the continent, shouting to crowds to come support the effort. Above all, however, Frank Westfall is known to never give up. He is one of only three men who have participated in every one of the Motorcycle Cannonball Endurance Runs and they have all been grueling, which is one of the reasons it was so exciting to see his dedicated efforts rewarded as he was celebrated for winning the coveted bronze statue made by sculptor Jeff Decker in 2016. Frank was elated as he accepted the award for scoring perfect points in Class II, having successfully ridden each of the 3,306 miles in the required time despite the various mishaps and engine failures along the way.
For 2018, Westfall will square off on the Portland, Maine, starting line next to the rest of the Cannonballers in September. He’ll be aboard a 1914 Henderson Four and we’ll be there to report all the trials and tribulations he’s sure to encounter while battling across the northern route to prove himself and his beloved marque to the world once again. All the best, Frank.