The third Saturday of April (the 20th) has been chosen for the 10th annual Washington Vintage Motorcyclists Club Swap Meet and Show in Mount Vernon, Washington. Held at the Skagit County Fairgrounds, the event has a $2 admission and parking is a fin ($5). But wait; there’s more: The North Cascade Street Rod Association shares use of the fairgrounds on this day, with rods in the open air and bikes under cover. So while you may spend a little to get it, there’s well more eye candy than the shekels suggest. Questions? Give Marcus a shout at 360.223.3190, or by e-mail at The WVMC website should be up and running for the inquiring minds seeking the flyer at Hours for this long-running event are 8:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m., and the parking fee is (right now) $5 per vehicle. WVMC’s numbers now stand at about 115 members, encompassing the North Sound from Snohomish County northward (give or take). They’re a great group of vintage enthusiasts (hi Terry) that splintered off from the Seattle area’s VME (Vintage Motorcycle Enthusiasts) about a dozen years ago. My better half was a charter member, but the 350-mile move east made membership impractical. If we were still on that side of the Cascades, no doubt we’d be in their very good company still… Jump ahead a week and a day and it’s like Christmas all over again on Sunday, April 28. Just north (and west) of the Canada-U.S. border in Tsawwassen, British Columbia, is the 28th annual Classic and Vintage Swap Meet & Show ’n’ Shine featuring over 150 vendors with British, American (only ’86 and earlier in this category), European and Japanese bikes and parts. This is a huge show and the Show ’n’ Shine contest has 10 different classes including Best in Show and People’s Choice. If I was able I’d hit both the Mount Vernon and Tsawwassen shows. Last time I did that we sold a Ducati in Mount Vernon the first weekend, then found a steering damper for a ’49 Hydra Glide up north—a lucky break. Oh, for those who intend to make the crossing to B.C., bring your passport. The Tsawwassen show contact is Todd Copan and he can be reached at 604.299.0020 or by e-mail at The website is, and a neat bio of the Servi-Car is featured on their webpage. And while they didn’t mention a favorite fun fact about the ’64 Servi-Car being Harley-Davidson’s first electric start (pre-dating the aptly named “Electra” Glide by a year), they have a gorgeous photo of a ’62 (also on their event flyer) and with any luck it will be in attendance on April 28. Gates open at 10:00 a.m., and since trophies are awarded at 3:00 p.m., I’d guess packing up would soon follow… Thanks are due to those who have made the effort to reply and guess the correct location for the Where am I? game for the past couple months. I’m taking this opportunity to put your names out there (anonymity is so overrated) so that folks who know you might be compelled to give the game a shot, too. So, in no special order, many thanks to: Kim Sherman, Mike Brasher, Wayne Laymen, Darryl Watkins, Judy Campbell, Todd Palmer, Gary Whiteley, Dale Wing, Fred Hossner, Larry Hughes, Shane Millwood, Lance Pedersen, Duane Justus, Randy Moore, Rocky Houchen, John Foley, Scott Molzahn, Dr. David DeMasi, Scott Rock, Ed and Terrell Pinson, and Lance Sherman. The entries come from all points—from Alaska and Utah, to California. Last month was a bit of a hiccup procedurally when I was given only a work phone from the fifth correct entry. With both an e-mail and a message left at that number, because deadline was looming, when the weekend came all hope was lost timing-wise. So, note to all: Leave a cell phone, or multiple ways to contact to prevent such a repeat. (Sorry, Darryl!)… Idaho motorcycle rights organization Idaho Coalition for Motorcycle Safety (ICMS) is having their 28th annual Awareness Rally to kick off Motorcycle Awareness Month (May) on the 4th. Problem is, the date is too early in May to make a shout out useful in the May issue. Boyd Rue of ICMS welcomes all riders, clubs and makes, and says given its history, the ride often has (weather-affected, of course) around 600–1,000 bikes. There’s a waiver participants must sign, but, as Rue explained, “This is a no-cost escorted ride from Lucky Peak State Park at 7l4 Arrowrock Road in Boise, to the Capitol steps.” Registration begins at 11:00 a.m. and the ride begins at 1:00 p.m. The route takes only about 20 minutes and then some engaging speakers will take the podium at the Capitol. In conjunction with the ICMS event, the Christian Motorcyclists Association (CMA) will be putting on a barbecue (always a simple, but satisfying bite) at nominal cost to satisfy the mounting (or dismounting-provoked) hunger pangs. Here, too, all are welcome; a family-friendly effort at motorcycle community building as part of the day. If you have questions you can phone Boyd Rue at 208.941.1689 or e-mail him at The ICMS has a website, too, at