Yahoo! It’s been a hectic several weeks around my place. Lots going on at work in the wrecking biz, my FXLR spent a few days visiting the Downtown Cycle boys and the police came to visit the girls and me on Bunco night. Where to start? Love the Downtown Cycle folk—Dan and Patty Moon and crew—you guys always take such good care of the Purple Haze. I hope you know how much I appreciate you guys getting me all prepared for the spring riding season! So nice to have some new tires and that choke cable finally fixed… Now for Bunco night with the CREW chicks; it was my turn to host, so I came home early from work to get our dinner ready and found my house turned upside down. Really upside down; all the drawers in every cupboard, desk and dresser were upside down on the floors of every room in my house. The police arrived at the same time as my early guests, who all milled around outside (police orders) until the nice officer was done writing up the mess. My biker gals and guys then came in and helped me put together Bunco night. We had a great evening and the girls sure helped take the sting out of the whole affair, for which I’m very grateful! And the cracksters that cleaned out my jewelry box and upended my life don’t have to come back, ’cuz there’s not all that much worth taking at the moment. My favorite part of the evening was when brand-new Bunco/CREW girlfriend, Rhonda called her hubby Rick Brogden to come over and board up my demolished living room window. Rick works for Servpro of Chino Hills—a company that specializes in home damage restoration. Coincidence? I think divine intervention! So, just saying if you have water damage, fire or burglary, Rick and ServePro are a huge help. Their number is 909.548.4191. I didn’t win at Bunco that night, but I sure did realize what a great group of friends I have!… So let’s get going with our March and SoCal spring days and riding! Early this month, there’s the inaugural LEMC Brush Dawgs El Centro Chapter Shield of Freedom Run on March 2. This is a fundraiser for fallen officers and is being held in honor of Agent Richard Goldstein. Registration is at 8:00–9:30 a.m. at the Handlebar & Grill in Palm Springs. Last KSU at 10:00 a.m. Look for a 50/50, high poker hand, lots of raffle prizes and live music by Nasty Habits… Also to kick off spring riding in the desert, EagleRider of Palm Desert is sponsoring Bike Nights at the world famous dive bar, the Red Barn, on Wednesday nights, 5:00–9:00 p.m. Look for live music, good food, vendors and biker camaraderie. And here’s my favorite part of their flyer: “Smoking allowed, cigars OK.” There you have it, folks—a place that gives you permission to smoke on the premises!… For a few of my “up-north” friends, I have two rides that I want to give a mention to: March 2 is ABATE Local 17’s 25th annual Freeze Your Ass Off Poker Run. The ride starts at Miss Darla’s, 110 Peabody Road in Vacaville. Registration is 9:00–11:00 a.m. The ride fee is $20 per person. The ride ends with food, games, prizes and more. If you need more info, call 707.624.6310 or go to… The other is on March 10 with the Port Stockton Motorcycle Club’s 34th Gold Rush Poker Run, sponsored by Jackson Rancheria Casino Resort. The poker run starts at 728 South Laurel St. in Stockton at 9:00 a.m., with a $15 entry fee. Look for adult beverages, door prizes, a 50/50 and, of course, lots of fun! For more info on this one, call 209.406.3260 or go to… I had an exceptional time at the CREW’s annual end-of-the-year party. What a fine job everyone did in the planning. There’s nothing a like a loud party in a giant warehouse; you can make all the loud music you want without the neighbors complaining. So Jim Farrand, once again, you are the host with the most!… Valley V-Twin in Indio is on the quest for a top H-D tech. If you’re unhappy with your current position or looking to relocate to the desert, send Halle and George your resume… As usual, I’ve got a bunch-o-birthday wishes! This month, happy birthdays go to my always-helpful CREW friend, Jackie Ray! Also Crystal Morrison, hope your day is a blessed one. Miss CookieLee/LOC Chair Susie Jarvis, hope your March 11 is a special one. New CREW member Kathy Moldenhaur, hope your March 28 is a great day! Christine Vanyo, the hostess with the mostess, I know your honey Ron will see that your birthday is an extra special day for you! Same goes for Denise Goyette; I know that Emy and the grandkids will make sure you have a great day! Anita Aguirre, I’m sure Gabe’s got a fun day in the works for you, too! Diana Ontiveros, hope your birthday is all it should be. Geno Marckese, you have an awesome birthday. Lee Chandrasena, your friends all want you to have a fun birthday, too. Raylene Massoudi, have a good one, right there along with CJ Massoudi—a lot of work sharing a birth month! Sam DiMatteo and Stoney Cox, both you two have fun, separately, of course! Same for Julie Pizzitola, hope you have a good day. Brian Welsh of Valley V-Twin, I know everyone at work plans on you having a good birthday (aren’t they?). Deborah Mennig, hope your birthday is fun and finds you recuperating from your recent surgery… Frank Knight, hope this finds you recovering from your recent surgery, as well; I know Barb will take good care of you… Condolences to Jeff “Rev Leroy” Wilson up at ABC Auto Parts in S.F. on your recent losses of family and friends. Been a rough month for you and the Tongaleros MC… Also, condolences to George Fetty on the loss of your dear aunt… March 1 is Employee Appreciation Day (oh yeah, I look forward to that happening!). Daylight Savings Time starts on Sunday the 10th and the 11th is Worship Tools Day (who knew?). That’s what I’ve got for you this month; see you all in April. As always, you know what I want; send me your birthdays, anniversaries, biker-friendly shops and places that need a little extra word-of-mouth help—I’m here to give it. See you all later; enjoy your ride!