Here is a great big shout out to Jesse Moore in Medford, Oregon. Jesse gave me a call to ask what the “IHR” stands for. My friends and I refer to ourselves as IHR to mean “Independent Harley Rider.” We were members of Santa Cruz H.O.G. when there was a coup d’etat, and we could not support the new regime. We broke away and became the IHR. It has been well over 20 years, and we remain close friends. Jesse was curious because when he lived and rode in Phoenix, Arizona, much the same thing happened to him and a group of his friends. They splintered from a group and became the IHR meaning the “Iron Horse Riders.” Jesse’s group lost its moniker with the advent of the Iron Horse Rodeo. The rodeo changed the meaning of the initials when it was advertised as the IHR. Jesse, I hope I got that right. I mentioned to you that you live in the same town as Dale and Diana Visage. This couple belongs to my IHR group. Dale has a rock band named HOG Wild based in Medford. Catch his performance sometime. He frequently plays at Habaneros Mexican Restaurant there in Medford. By the way, Jesse, have you ever been to Texas? I ask because my mother’s maiden name was Moore. Could we be some kind of shirttail relatives?… Speaking of the IHR, get well wishes go to members Mardi Moore in Gold Hill, Oregon, and to Murph Cuccarese in Salem, Oregon. Mardi is home recuperating from yet another surgery. Her left rotator cuff and her partially torn left bicep were repaired using donor tissue. Murph is suffering with a broken shoulder blade and broken rib after a fall from a 10-foot ladder. I want both of y’all to sit down and take it easy for a while. Your job right now is to recover. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers… Happy birthday to all riders who celebrate in January. Happy birthday to IHR members Lorie Linderman, hostess for the annual IHR campout in Shingle Springs, Will Long in Pocatello, Idaho, Mardi Moore in Gold Hill, Oregon, Cathy Young in Santa Cruz, and Diana Visage in Medford, Oregon. Happy birthday to Rich Larson and Michael Zaballos in Santa Cruz. In Sacramento, happy birthday to Gary Cook and Bill Katen. Happy birthday to Denise R. Peets in Long Beach, to Mark Johnson in Las Vegas, Nevada, Peggy Harrington in San Jose, Elvira Nevarez in Woodland and Roger Gilbert in Salinas. Happy birthday to celebrity riders Nicolas Cage and Kid Rock. Actually, I am not sure Nic does all that much riding, but he sure made it look good in Ghost Rider when he rode as Peter Fonda’s (the Devil’s) bounty hunter, Johnny Blaze… I know most everyone thinks of Easy Rider when they think of movies with motorcycles, but there are many more that I prefer. I have already mentioned Ghost Rider. How about Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man with Mickey Rourke and Don Johnson? And never forget Steve McQueen in The Great Escape. Then there is Beyond the Law with Charlie Sheen. For the pure fun of it, be sure to include Wild Hogs with Tim Allen. I am certain there are many more, but if you are ever in the mood to veg out for the weekend, gather these movies, and hit the sofa… Over 18 months ago, I attended a fundraiser for a long-time local biker, Garry Copeland. Garry loved motorcycles. He was a self-taught mechanic and an accomplished machinist. Now, he was fighting cancer, and because he couldn’t work at the same pace as when he was well, he was having a hard time paying bills. Say no more. As soon as they knew that Garry needed a little help, his friends got together. Donnie and Janice, David, Larry, Tim, Tony, Bob, Steve, Gino, Manny, Craig, Jeff, Josh, John and Roy met every Thursday for about two months and organized a benefit poker run for Garry. He had a squadron of loyal and caring friends. To give you some idea of how well thought of he was, over 200 people signed in and participated in the fund raiser. I cornered Garry and asked him what he thought about the turnout. He said, “It’s nice. I have seen people I haven’t seen in years.” Larry Damon, owner of LD Cycles, was a mutual friend, and I was curious about how long Garry had known Larry. He said, “Larry got his first bike from me. A lot of these guys got their first bikes from me. I’m responsible for a lot of these guys.” Larry joined us and said the bike he and Garry built was like the 1949–’73 Cadillac in Johnny Cash’s song, “One Piece at a Time.” Larry found a frame and assorted parts, and Garry built him an engine. I feel sure that Garry felt loved as he succumbed and died of his cancer. He will be mourned and missed by family and his many friends… Another sad loss to the biker community is the death of Jerry DeGraw, a member of the Modesto H.O.G. Jerry left some big shoes to fill. He was a road captain and helped on rides with his red tow truck. My sympathies to his wife, Lynne, to his family and to his many friends in the Modesto H.O.G. He will be sorely missed.