The month of October slid by quickly and we were into November before most of us realized it but not before we had a chance to grab a mug and don our costumes for some late-night fun. Space Coast Harley in Palm Bay’s party was a good time for the adults in attendance with free beer, Jack and Fireballs to fill those empty cups. Three bands were lined up to keep things moving all night on the 29th and the proceeds went to get shoes for Brevard County kids in need… On the 5th, riders signed up at Stormy Hill Harley for the 10th annual Veterans Salute Ride to support the local DAV. The ride was escorted from Stormy Hill to Gator Harley by the Lake County Sheriff’s Department after a pancake breakfast and bike blessing… A little further north that morning in Mt. Dora, the American Legion hosted a poker run to support Cornerstone Hospice. Riders leaving from the Legion made stops at the VFW/AmVets Post in Astor, the Fraternal Order of Eagles in Umatilla, the VFW Post 8087 in Mt. Dora and finally the end stop at Lake Veterans Club in Mt. Dora where there was plenty of food, drink, prizes and entertainment by the Swamp Juice Band… Another ride took place in Sanford, hosted by the Sanford Moose Riders and West Volusia Moose Riders in support of J.O.S.H. (Just our Soldiers’ Helpers). Registration started at 9:00 a.m. with a donation of just $15 per person. The riders made several stops at Moose Lodges in Seminole and Volusia Counties before ending at the Sanford Moose Lodge for the after party… Sunday the 6th, the JC Road Dogs hosted a benefit lunch ride to support the family of Robbie Ward who was killed in a motorcycle accident earlier this year. Robbie’s wife and three children were in need of some love and financial support and the Road Dogs and members of their church stepped up to help. The afternoon was a successful one and the Road Dogs raised over $1,000 for the family… Back at Gator Harley riders were rolling in on a Law Enforcement Appreciation ride in support of Kris Kruse. Kris is a member of the Clermont Police Department who sustained third-degree burns over half his body in the line of duty. The Green Swamp chapter of the Nam Knights decided to put their efforts into a benefit for the young officer with 100 percent of the proceeds going to help him with his recovery and medical needs. And I’m happy to say the ride was a big success, raising several thousand dollars for the young officer… On the 13th a couple hundred riders headed to the Hideaway in Tavares to celebrate the life of “Biker Billy” Hall. Billy, 78, was in a bad accident a few months back and then a series of other health issues took over and he lost his battle. Billy worked at the Hideaway on weekends and many of us just knew him from there always with a smile on his face and a friendly hello. He was an old-school rider and a nice man through and through. He told me he’d ridden to Sturgis 45 times and not many can say that. Ride on, Billy… That’s about it for this month; till next time, ride safe and God bless.