Our shared love for motorcycles is what brings us together, whether riding them, ogling them, or discussing them. This is the tie that binds us. 

But it’s the “us” that brings depth to our relationships with motorbikes – the people. Riders with aspirations, emotions, families. All distinct with their own tales of triumphs and woes and heroics and stumbles. 

My circle of moto friends stretches far beyond my home, spanning not only the country but also the globe. Some I see regularly, and some I haven’t seen in years but keep in touch remotely. Some struggle to keep one bike on the road, while others have collections that require a dedicated storage facility. Some are staunch conservatives, while others are decidedly liberal. Some ride baggers and choppers, while some ride Italian sportbikes. 

I not only tolerate our differences, I embrace them. Relating to people from different walks of life and experiences makes for a richer understanding of motorcycles. Or anything, really. It’s the weaving of our own patchwork quilts, the fabric of our lives. 

I don’t care if you’re rich or poor, black or white, liberal or conservative. A love of motorcycles is all that’s needed to be a part of my moto tribe, and I hope you share this sentiment. We quite literally stand apart from the cagers who clog our roads, a defining characteristic of our preferred mode of transport. 

Rubber-Side Down American Rider Crew at 2022 Sturgis
After several days in the heat of the Black Hills, a brewski toast was well-earned and much appreciated. Paul Dail (our amiable recent recruit as associate editor), Duke (still waiting for his beard to come in), Kurt Eisinger (who does such a good job selling ads that we tolerate his VW trike ownership), and Stu Sutherland (who has been capably selling ads for us since the 1990s!). Next year, I hope to include our art director, Chad Cochran, and new assistant editor, Allison Parker, in an identical shot. All are motorcycle riders – American Riders.

For most of us, sadly, our leisure-time tribes don’t overlap with our occupational lives – an intersection of our moto community with our work colleagues doesn’t exist. It’s the lucky few who get to talk bikes around the water cooler and then ride together on the weekends. 

And that’s where my feelings of gratitude are coming from. I get to think, write, and talk about motorcycles every day in my quest to bring high-quality stories to your eyes. And many diligent hands contribute behind the scenes to make publishing a monthly magazine look easy. Working remotely, as our team does, creates challenges to cultivate interpersonal relationships, but we all love bikes and the motorcycle industry so much that we find solutions to overcome the obstacles thrown our way. 

So when I looked at this photo from Sturgis, I realized I am truly blessed to work with a capable crew that has the common goal of entertaining and informing our readers on these pages. It’s truly a labor of love. 

It’s all too easy to say thanks in an email or instant message, but to express gratitude to our faithful group while looking them in the eyes takes it to a deeper, more genuine level. This is my tribe at work and at play.


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