What happened to Blue Dog Dairies? Terry was of my favorite people, along with Sam, Copper, and Felicia, too. 

—’Brklyn’ Lee Mastro, Huntington Beach, CA

Been a readin’ Blue Dog Diaries for many-a-year and suddenly it is gone. Surely not knockin’ Felicia or Shadow—but, come on—what the hell happened?

—Cliff Jones, O’Brien, OR

After years of leading the pack, Terry Roorda decided it was time to retire. Shadow has stepped up to the role of Editor in Chief. You can read more about the changing times and Terry’s legacy here.


  1. I wish Terry all the best on his retirement. I just wish he had written one more page from his dairies to let all his readers know he was leaving us. Enjoy the road ahead!

  2. Obviously, there is more to Terry’s “retirement” than is being reported. There should have been a huge and happy farewell to him after the fine work he’s done for this publication- if not in Thunder Press, than elsewhere in the motorcycle press.


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